Professional Tour   |   Amateur Association

Policies & Procedures


Our tournaments are open to all professionals; men and women, as well as amateurs with an official handicap of 4 or less. No handicap allowance will be given to amateurs.

All members give their consent to the use of their name, photograph, image and likeness by the West Florida Golf Tour. This also applies to non-members. The WFGT may use these items in promotional material, both online and in print and will keep a supply of stock photography for future projects.

Open Division

The Open Division is our main division and is open to any Professional, Amateur or Woman who wishes to play for the main purse money while all competing from the same tees (must pay full entry fee).

  1. The West Florida Golf Tour will only take up to a maximum amount of $20 a day from every entry fee to cover administrative costs in addition to all non-member fees.
  2. We promise to pay 33% of the field.
            • No CUT: Last place check will always earn their money back (excluding ties)
            • CUT: In the event that more players make the CUT rather than 33% each additional place will be paid $100.

45+ Champions Division

The 45+ Champions Division is our secondary division and is open to any Professional, Amateur or Woman 45 years or older. Players that choose to play in the 45+ Champion Division will NOT be eligible for the Open Division prize money. Players in this division will compete amongst themselves at a reduced yardage of approximately 6,700 yards. 45+ Champions Division participants will pay 70% of the entry fee of an Open Division participant. All events with a 45+ Champions Division will have an asterisk (*) in the Tournament name.

Amateur Participants

Amateurs will pay 80% of the entry fee that a professional will pay for a 1-day event and 60% for a 2-day event, but will still be eligible for their full winnings up to a maximum of $1,000 as stipulated by the USGA and their Rules of Amateur Status for 2022. In this case, anything over $1,000 will be split up and distributed evenly throughout the purse. Amateurs can accept their winnings in the form of a check just like their fellow professionals.

  1. Effective January 2022, the USGA will allow an amateur playing in a scratch competition to accept any prize, including prize money, up to the $1,000 limit. An amateur player will now be responsible for filling out a W-9 if they wish to accept the cash and will be taxed by the IRS if their prize money exceeds $600 for the year.
  2. A scratch competition means that it must be conducted using scratch (gross) scores only. A player’s handicap or their handicap index may not be used for any scoring related functions. An amateur playing in a handicap competition is not allowed to accept prize money (unchanged), but may accept any prize up to the limit of $1,000 in the form of gift card or WFGT Tour credit.
  3. For ALL events amateurs will NOT have their own division and will compete against the professionals. Any amateur looking to ONLY play against other amateur’s should look into participating in the West Florida Am Association.
  4. Amateurs under the USGA category of awaiting reinstatement will be allowed to compete in any event, but will NOT be eligible for any prizes.

Event Registration

  1. Email the Tour at
  2. Contact Christian Bartolacci, the Executive Director at (215) 630-3644
  3. Through a player's Online Member account

Members and Non Members that register for an event before the Entry Deadline will pay the posted entry fee. Those Members and Non Members that register after the Entry Deadline will pay a late fee.


  1. Players may pay with cash at registration
  2. Players may pay using a credit/debit card at registration (3% processing fee)
  3. Players may pay with a check at registration
  4. Players may pre pay by using the appropriate pay pal links provided (3% processing fee)

Any returned check will result in a $10 service fee and could result in loss of check writing privileges.

Starting Times

Players starting times will be available at 5pm the night before the tournament. They will be emailed to you or you can check the website under “Starting Times.” They are done at random with the players’ location in mind. The Tour will be happy to accept starting time requests for players wishing to travel together.

Players MUST present themselves at the registration desk as soon as they arrive at the tournament venue. A player must register before going to the driving range, putting green or the 1st tee, even if they have prepaid for the event.

Each player MUST be present and ready to play at least 10 minutes prior to his or her starting time. Getting to the tee late disrupts the whole tournament and your playing partners. Please observe this request.


Late Withdrawal and Player Suspension (S) Policy

  • Any West Florida Golf Tour participant that withdraws from an event that he/she is registered for after the entry deadline has passed will be required to pay a $100 withdraw fee. Any player withdrawing from an event after tee times have posted or “No Shows” for an event will be required to pay FULL ENTRY FEE. Players that withdraw after the deadline and don’t immediately pay the $100 withdraw fee will have their account suspended and an (S) will appear next to their name on the website.

  • Remember, a player can withdraw for any reason prior to the entry deadline without penalty.

  • Repeat offenders of this policy may be required to prepay for future events if the Tour deems necessary.

  • Players may still register for events while under suspension, but will be required to pay the appropriate fees before they can compete.

  • If a player obtains a spot in a sanctioned tour event via Monday qualifying, late WD fees are waived.


It is the player’s responsibility to know when the entry deadline is, as it is clearly written on every Tournament Page.

Player Withdraw Options

  1. Email the Tour at
  2. Contact Christian Bartolacci, the Executive Director at (215) 630-3644

Withdraw, “No Show” Payment Options

  1. A player may click on the (S) or click here.
  2. A player may pay at registration.


Any conduct unbecoming of a professional golfer will not be tolerated and the player may lose playing privileges with the Tour as well as being liable to disqualification from that event. Players are reminded to treat the employees of the host club with the up most respect. All West Florida Golf Tour players are expected to repair ball marks along with divots (where appropriate) and rake all bunkers. All cell phones must be in the silent position during play and be used only for live scoring purposes or to contact tournament officials for a ruling.

  1. Any player who drinks alcohol or uses any illegal drugs during an official tournament round will be disqualified from the tournament.
  2. All shirts must be collared and no denim is allowed. All shoes must be soft spikes. At certain event players may be required to remove their hat when entering the clubhouse, please be mindful of club rules.


Spectators MUST adhere to ALL club rules regarding dress code and conduct. They will be allowed to purchase a spectator cart to ride along IF they are available. In this case, the Tour requires that all spectator carts remain on the paths. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Official Event

An 18-hole tournament is considered complete if the entire field has completed at least nine holes of play. For multiday events to become official at least 50% of the holes have to be completed. If a tournament is washed out for the day before the final group completes 50% of the holes, then the players’ entry fee shall be refunded in full ONLY if the WFGT obtains a refund. If not, then the prize money will be split evenly amongst the field with the WFGT taking no administration fee.

Events with a CUT

  1. In the event that the FIELD SIZE does not reach 30 participants for an event that has a CUT, participants will play all 3 days and there will be NO CUT for the event. In this case, the Tour will simply pay 33% of the professional field after the 3 days.
  2. If the event has more than 30 participants, we will CUT to 33% of the PROFESSIONAL FIELD and only those players will play the final day.

* The professional field doesn't determine whether there is a CUT or not, but does determine how many players make the CUT.


A player has the right to suspend play if he/she feels threatened by dangerous lightning conditions without penalty. If West Florida Golf Tour or host club should indicate suspension of play all players should mark their balls, cease playing immediately and seek shelter. The West Florida Golf Tour will and always will have the safety of its competitors in mind first and foremost.


Prize Money

EVERY FRIDAY THE TOUR WILL SEND OUT PLAYERS CHECKS. If a player is registered for the next event on our schedule by that Friday, their check will be held and given to them at registration. (Players can always pick up their checks throughout the week at the Tour's office so long as they make arrangements to do so). The Tour will send checks to the address we have on file, it is the players responsibility to make sure this is correct.


  1. If a foreign national does not have a social security or tax ID number they will be subject to a 30% withholding tax. They will also need to complete a W-8 BEN form.
  2. U.S. Nationals will be required to complete a W-9 form that the Tour will keep on file. A 1099 will be issued and mailed to those competitors that win more than $600 of prize money in the calendar year.


Any lost or stolen items are the player’s responsibility and not the responsibility of the West Florida Golf Tour. The WFGT reserves the right to deny any player entry for any reason. WFGT participants are responsible for any damage they cause to the host golf clubs property or course. The WFGT is not responsible for any injury that occurs during one of our events, this includes any weather related incidents.

Website Disclaimer

West Florida Golf Tour (WFGT) takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate. However, no warranty or representation is given that the information and materials contained on it are complete or free from errors or inaccuracies. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, WFGT accepts no liability for any loss or damages or expenses of any kind including without limitation compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, or claims by third parties howsoever arising in connection with your use of this website, the copying or use of any information or material contained in or referred to in this website. This exclusion of liability shall not apply to damages arising from death or personal injury caused by the negligence of WFGT or any of its employees or agents.


The West Florida Golf Tour may from time to time provide links that will enable you to access the websites of third parties directly from our site. Please note that such third party sites are not under our control and we do not contribute to the content of such websites. When you click through to these sites you leave the area controlled by us. We cannot accept responsibility for any issues arising in connection with either the third party's use of your data, the site content or the services offered to you by these sites.


The West Florida Golf Tour will never sell or give your e-mail address (or any other information about you) to anyone else without your permission. This policy demonstrates our firm commitment to your privacy. Only statistical information of our members as a group (usage habits, demographics) may be shared with any partner of West Florida Golf Tour; no identifiable information will be shared at any time.

If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address.

Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders/events they have placed on-line.

Copyright & Trademarks

Unless indicated to the contrary, all materials on this website including design, text, graphics and photographs are the copyright of the West Florida Golf Tour. The WFGT is the owner of the trademarks appearing on this website and all associated trade names, logos and devices unless indicated to the contrary. All other trade marks, logos and names appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners, as indicated.

You may download, print and copy extracts from this site for your personal use only and any copied material must include all copyright or other proprietary notices appearing on it. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to you by such downloading. You may not make any other use of material on this site (including reproductions except as above, publications, alteration or distribution) without our prior written permission.


The Tour Director’s decision will be final in conjunction with the WFGT Advisory Board.

© 2025 West Florida Golf Tour. All Rights Reserved.